Swap Rate endpoint specification



Use namespace v1



Swap Rate endpoint allows clients to receive immediate updates on products' charts and users' orders, swaps and positions on third party projects


Each channel serves it's own purpose. Command channels are used by clients to send commands to server, when Data channels are read-only.

Command channel subscribe

Receives subscription commands with parameters and subscribes clients on data channels

Message structure

  param1: $VALUE_1,
  param2: $VALUE_2,
  param3: $VALUE_3,


  • ch (channel) is the only required key, specifies data channel
  • Other keys are optional and differs on different data channels, see below

Labels description

  • PUBLIC - publicly accessible data channels
  • PROTECTED - data channels accessible only with accessToken

Command channel unsubscribe

Unsubscription command message should be EXACTLY the same as the one used for subscription.

All socket instances are automatically unsubscribed from all channels once disconnected.

Data channel error:message



This channel is used to notify clients about errors happened during subscription and unsubscription

Message structure

  message: $ERROR_MESSAGE,


  • message shows error message as String
  • data shows subscription message on which error has occurred as Object

Data channel products:chart



Sends real time product chart data to client.

Product chart shows average fixed percentage on each of maturities (12 months).

Subscription message

  ch: 'products:chart',

Data message

  ch: 'products:chart',
  a: 'set',
  p: {
    id: $PRODUCT_ID
  d: {
    payFixed: [{
      timestamp: number,
      value: number | null
    receiveFixed: [{
      timestamp: number,
      value: number | null


  • a (action) is a constant made for further protocol upgrades, omit for now
  • p (params) is an object of params of subscribe message (i.e. subscribe message with excluded ch key)
  • d (data) is an object with arrays of charts data
    • payFixed is an array with chart data, when user selects PAY: FIXED
      • timestamp is maturity UNIX timestamp in seconds
      • value is current average fixed rate, could be null if there are no data, in range from 0..1
    • receiveFixed is an array with chart data, when user selects RECEIVE: FIXED
      • timestamp is maturity UNIX timestamp in seconds
      • value is current average fixed rate, could be null if there are no data, in range from 0..1

Data channel orders:address



Sends real time users orders data to client.

Requires authentication to build subscription message.

Subscription message

  ch: 'orders:address',
  accessToken: $ACCESS_TOKEN

Data message

  ch: 'orders:address',
  a: 'set',
  p: {},
  d: [{
    orderId: string,
    createdAt: number,
    pay: {
      type: string, // FIXED, FLOATING
      rate: number,
      description: string,
    receive: {
      type: string,
      rate: number,
      description: string,
    status: string,
    nominal: number,
    token: string,
    filled: number,
    maturity: number


  • a (action) is a constant made for further protocol upgrades, omit for now
  • p (params) is an object of params of subscribe message (i.e. subscribe message with excluded ch key)
  • d (data) is an array of orders data
    • orderId is order ID
    • createdAt is UNIX timestamp of order creation in seconds
    • pay is an object which shows what user wanted to pay
      • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user wanted to pay
      • rate is rate user wanted to pay, in range from 0..1
      • description is description for UI
    • receive is an object which shows what user wanted to receive
      • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user wanted to receive
      • rate is rate user wanted to receive, in range from 0..1
      • description is description for UI
    • status is an ENUM [PENDING, PROCESSED, NOT_ENOUGH_TOKENS, FAILED, EXPIRED] of order status
    • nominal is nominal user wanted to cover
    • token is an address of token of nominal
    • filled is amount of nominal already covered
    • maturity is maturity UNIX timestamp in seconds

Data channel swaps:address



Sends real time users swaps data to client.

Requires authentication to build subscription message.

Subscription message

  ch: 'swaps:address',
  accessToken: $ACCESS_TOKEN

Data message

  ch: 'swaps:address',
  a: 'set',
  p: {},
  d: [{
    swapId: string,
    createdAt: number,
    pay: {
      type: string, // FIXED, FLOATING
      rate: number,
      description: string,
      accInterest: number,
    receive: {
      type: string,
      rate: number,
      description: string,
      accInterest: number,
    nominal: number,
    token: string,
    maturity: number,
    txHash: string,
    fixedrate: null | { depositAmount: number }


  • a (action) is a constant made for further protocol upgrades, omit for now
  • p (params) is an object of params of subscribe message (i.e. subscribe message with excluded ch key)
  • d (data) is an array of swaps data
    • swapId is swap ID
    • createdAt is UNIX timestamp of order creation in seconds
    • pay is an object which shows what user wanted to pay
      • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user wanted to pay
      • rate is rate user wanted to pay, in range from 0..1
      • description is description for UI
      • accInterest is accumulated interest rate
    • receive is an object which shows what user wanted to receive
      • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user wanted to receive
      • rate is rate user wanted to receive, in range from 0..1
      • description is description for UI
      • accInterest is accumulated interest rate
    • nominal is nominal user wanted to cover
    • token is an address of token of nominal
    • maturity is maturity UNIX timestamp in seconds
    • txHash is transaction hash on Ethereum network (frontend leads users to etherscan)
    • fixedRate is object with fixedrate related data, could be null
      • depositAmount is amount of currently available deposit

Data channel positions:address



Sends real time users third party projects positions data to client.

Requires authentication to build subscription message.

Subscription message

  ch: 'positions:address',
  accessToken: $ACCESS_TOKEN

Data message

  ch: 'positions:address',
  a: 'set',
  p: {},
  d: [{
    type: string, // L, D
    createdAt: number,
    pay: {
      type: string, // FIXED, FLOATING
      rate: number,
      description: string,
      accInterest: number // Exists only of pay.type == FLOATING
    } | null,,
    receive: {
      type: string,
      rate: number,
      description: string,
      accInterest: number // Exists only of receive.type == FLOATING
    } | null,
    nominal: number,
    token: string,
    populate: {
      productId: string,
      pay: {
        type: string, // FIXED, FLOATING
        rate: number
      receive: {
        type: string,
        rate: number
      nominal: number,
      maturity: number
    } | null


  • a (action) is a constant made for further protocol upgrades, omit for now
  • p (params) is an object of params of subscribe message (i.e. subscribe message with excluded ch key)
  • d (data) is an array of positions data
    • type is an ENUM [L, D] of position type
    • createdAt is UNIX timestamp of order creation in seconds
    • pay is an object which shows what user pays, could be null if there are no data
      • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user pays
      • rate is rate user pays, in range from 0..1
      • description is description for UI
      • accInterest is accumulated interest rate of Floating type
    • receive is an object which shows what user receives, could be null if there are no data
      • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user receives
      • rate is rate user receives, in range from 0..1
      • description is description for UI
      • accInterest is accumulated interest rate of Floating type
    • nominal is nominal user has in the position
    • token is an address of token of nominal
    • populate is an object with data to populate on web, if user clicks on SWAP NOW button, could be null if there are no data to populate with
      • pay is an object which shows what user wanted to pay
        • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user wanted to pay
        • rate is rate user wanted to pay, in range from 0..1
        • description is description for UI
      • receive is an object which shows what user wanted to receive
        • type is an ENUM [FIXED, FLOATING] of type user wanted to receive
        • rate is rate user wanted to receive, in range from 0..1
        • description is description for UI
      • nominal is nominal user wanted to cover
      • maturity is maturity UNIX timestamp in seconds